
Script tag injecting.


import { useScriptTag } from '@vueuse/core'

  // on script tag loaded.
  (el: HTMLScriptElement) => {
    // do something

The script will be automatically loaded on the component mounted and removed when the component on unmounting.


Set manual: true to have manual control over the timing to load the script.

import { useScriptTag } from '@vueuse/core'

const { scriptTag, load, unload } = useScriptTag(
  () => {
    // do something
  { manual: true },

// manual controls
await load()
await unload()

Type Declarations

export interface UseScriptTagOptions extends ConfigurableDocument {
   * Load the script immediately
   * @default true
  immediate?: boolean
   * Add `async` attribute to the script tag
   * @default true
  async?: boolean
   * Script type
   * @default 'text/javascript'
  type?: string
   * Manual controls the timing of loading and unloading
   * @default false
  manual?: boolean
  crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials"
    | "no-referrer"
    | "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
    | "origin"
    | "origin-when-cross-origin"
    | "same-origin"
    | "strict-origin"
    | "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"
    | "unsafe-url"
  noModule?: boolean
  defer?: boolean
 * Async script tag loading.
 * @see /useScriptTag
 * @param src
export declare function useScriptTag(
  src: MaybeRef<string>,
  onLoaded?: (el: HTMLScriptElement) => void,
  options?: UseScriptTagOptions
): {
  scriptTag: Ref<HTMLScriptElement | null>
  load: (waitForScriptLoad?: boolean) => Promise<HTMLScriptElement | boolean>
  unload: () => void
export declare type UseScriptTagReturn = ReturnType<typeof useScriptTag>

